Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Navanath Herbals Products & Manufacturer

Navanath Herbals Products & Manufacturer

Our company is well equipped with all kind resources for the manufacturing and supplying ofhighly acclaimed ayurvedic medicines. Advanced machines and equipments help us in the timely and quality production of medicines. Our state of art infrastructure has also assisted us in bringing out cost effective products without compromising quality. Most of herbal ingredients used in our medicines come from the Shivalik mountains the Nasik.We have set up an advanced R&D wing for the regular research and development of new products. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who are diligently engaged in the upgradation of existing products and development of new products according to the prescribed norms Each of the ingredient used in our medicines has to pass stringent laboratory tests. Consequently, we are one of the most reputed Ayurvedic Herbal medicines Manufacturers in the country

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